
The need for charcoal for ironmaking was
enormous and the felling threatened to
deplete the forests. Early on, however,
measures were taken for a more rational
forestry. In 1911 a steam sawmill was built
in Strömsberg with a capacity of 110,000
timbers per year. The closing of the sawmill
just under half a century later meant the
end of a 300-year-old industrial epoch.
The Forestry Museum tells about the
important forestry, the importance of
charcoal for iron production and the life
and conditions of the forestry workers.
From the later sawmill era all the steps required
for the forest to be processed from
timber to planks and boards are shown.
The museum also houses what may be
Sweden’s largest public collection of elk
crowns. More than 600 animals, felled
during the first half of the 20th century,
have been documented for future studies.